
It has been great to see so many children attending our after school clubs for this term. We hope they’ve a great time at their first session. Apologies about cancelling Code Spark club this week. Mr Merrill is back to work after a sickness bug so will be good to go next week!


With the exception of Forest School, all other clubs children are to wear their school uniform. Our uniform is multipurpose for both in and outside of the classroom. Children are able to change into other items of school uniform for clubs. Children are not to wear alternative football kits.

We do have spare socks and shin pads for children who are not able to bring these items to football club. It is a requirement that all children must wear shin pads when taking part in a football club as some children are playing in studded boots.

Collection for KS2 clubs are from the Sports playground which can be accessed via the gate next to the public library on Williams Loke.

Collection for KS1 clubs are from KS1 playground which can be accessed via the gate on Williams Loke.

If your child no longer wishes to attend the club, that is not a problem. We want children who want to be there. Please just let the office know so that the place can be reopened for someone else.

Clubs finish on Friday 6th December.