Hello and Welcome

I would like to extend a very warm welcome to all our families as we start a new academic year! It has been a joy to see everyone return, full of energy and excitement, and to welcome our new children and families to the school.

Our Reception children have settled in beautifully, spending a short amount of time in school this week. They visited the dining room today to get a taste of what lunchtime will look like next week, and we’re looking forward to helping them settle into this new routine.

Meanwhile, the rest of the school has been busy getting stuck in (making Christmas cards – sorry!) and practicing our school routines. The focus this week is all about belonging and being part of a team. If we work together we can make this school year the best yet!

In assembly on Wednesday, the children remembered brilliantly our school values of Kindness, Honesty, and Responsibility. It was wonderful to see how respectful and patient all the children were as over 350 children made their way in and out of the hall. We reflected on how important these values are in everything we do.

Our Year 6 children have also made a fantastic start and have shown great enthusiasm for their role and the important part they will play in our school. We are excited to see them take on leadership responsibilities as part of our Ambassador programme.

As always, if you have any questions or issues accessing any information, please don’t hesitate to contact the office. Be sure to check the news and website regularly for updates. We have added a selection of dates to the calendar to support your planning.

We are excited about the year ahead and look forward to working closely with all our families.

Have a lovely weekend, and we look forward to a full and exciting week ahead!

Warm regards,
Vicky Buxton

Head of School