
The Hive Federation governing board members are passionate about our roles in school. Based on mutual trust and respect, we are committed to work collaboratively and productively with senior leaders, staff and families to ensure best outcomes for all children. We do this by carrying out the three core functions of our governing board, namely:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The members of the governing board come from a variety of backgrounds, and each of us brings a range of skills to help ensure we can carry out our functions with diligence and expertise.

Each member of the governing board has a particular responsibility. We undergo training to ensure our wider role, and our specific area of responsibility is carried out to a high standard and adheres to legislation as required.

Sarah Shirras, our Executive Headteacher, is a governor. Our Heads of School, Vicky Buxton and Julie Cornish, are Associate Governors.

Dr Hilary Anderson (LA Governor, Chair of Governors)

Jackie Cole (Coopted Governor)

Roxanne Rouse (Coopted Governor, Parent)

Lisa Taylor (Coopted Governor)

Lauren Mayhew (Coopted Governor, Parent)

Bronwyn Coleman (Coopted Governor, Staff member)

Kim Chambers (Staff Governor)

Sophie Mitchell (Parent Governor, Interim vice-chair)

Gemma King (Governance Professional)


Instrument of Governance

Code of Conduct